Towards a cohesive and stable Libyan family

To achieve family stability in society, through family counseling and guidance programs, post-marital care, and conducting cultural and social awareness campaigns.

Learn about the Marriage Facilitation Fund in Numbers

people beneficiaries of the fund
family beneficiary of the fund
2 billion dinars
Over 2 billion Libyan dinars
128 municipals
over 120 municipalities within Libya

Empowering citizens and facilitating their marriage

Providing financial grants to citizens of the country with limited means to support them with the costs of marriage.

Late in marriage

Those who are over the age of thirty-five and have difficulty getting married because of the costs of marriage.

People with special needs

To ensure equal rights that bring them happiness, and raise the level of their independence and effectiveness within society.

father and mother orphans

To ensure the provision of complete and lasting care that provides them with protection, care, psychological security and family stability.

How did we change the lives of others?

Encouraging the marriage of Libyan citizens, removing the obstacles facing them, and providing financial support and grants to facilitate marriage and subsidize its costs.

After I applied several times to different bodies for help, I finally applied to the Marriage Facilitation Fund, and after reviewing twice, we got approval and got the grant, praise be to God.

Representative for a beneficiary

Representative for a beneficiary
After we submitted all the papers to the MFF and after review by the administration and the relevant team, our application was accepted and we received the grant.

Representative for a beneficiary

Representative for a beneficiary
The Marriage Facilitation Fund Initiative is a good initiative and has contributed to encouraging young people to marry, and the family formation project has helped them a lot.

street poll

street poll

Marriage Facilitation Fund, near you..

With 9 branches and 18 offices in all cities of Libya, the Marriage Facilitation Fund provides its services to all Libyan citizens

The latest news, developments and activities of the Marriage Facilitation Fund